Contact Information
Callaway Court, Suite A, Davenport Florida 33837
5 Omotayo Street Lagos Ikorodu
USA +1 412 863 8653
Africa +234 705 974 1475
Africa sales +234 802 874 7521
Years of Professional Experience: 15 years
Education: BS Electrical Engineering
MS Management Information Systems w/ Honors
Professional Certifications / Affiliations: Earned Value Management Systems Certification
(Humphreys & Associates
(NSBE) National Society of Black Engineers Member
(IEEE)Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Member
Contact Information Email:
Phone: (508) 330-0212
Babatunde O.E. Odeniyi is an experienced and well-rounded engineer trained as an Electrical Engineer with various experiences relative to Systems Engineering (requirements development to design of complex systems). This experience includes experiences and participation in projects from concept to design and test in the areas of ground transportation, air transportation, military and commercial based programs – working for such companies as EADS/Airbus, Bombardier, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics just to name a few.
Mr. Odeniyi decided to dedicate his full attention on his first love – entrepreneurship by focusing on his company EndPoint Merger Group LLC. (EMG LLC.). EMG was founded by Mr. Odeniyi to cater to web technology businesses, logistics, and, engineering consulting services.
American based conglomerate of web technology businesses, logistics, and engineering consulting services started in 2009
Yankeebuys Inc.– ( 2013-PRESENT )
Import and export of American goods throughout Africa – (2009-2012)
Online movie viewing portal for West African movies
Xpress Shuttle – (2010-2012)
Ground transportation booking portal for West Africa (Nigeria) started in 2010
Trilongo – (2013- PRESENT)
Smartphone application for transportation services
Mobilewu- (PRESENT)
Smartphone technology revolutionizing global currency remittance
•Identifying, developing, and managing requirements within the requirements management tool (DOORS), in accordance with Rail Control System Group specifically on the CityFlo 650 product for newly formed MAP Subsystems Group.
•Reviewing and gaining acceptance of system level requirements with subsystem leads.
•Working with the project manager and project engineer to review proposed changes to the requirements and design;
•Leading resolution of unclear or conflicting requirements within the originating requirements by working with the customer, end user, project engineer and project leads.
•Developing statements of compliance and requirements traceability to verify compliance to the requirements;
•Identifying and developing system level interfaces;
•Developing system level design specifications with the requirements management tool. Review and gain acceptance with subsystem leads. Support subsystem leads with system level clarification during detailed design phases;
•Providing support for system engineering process improvement and requirements development tools
•Supporting research and new product development of high technology electronics products (i.e. CAN and LIN based electro chromatic mirror products) for such manufactures as for Toyota, Jaguar/Land Rover, Audi,etc.
•Overseeing product development over the lifecycle of the product and program.
•Interfacing with various engineering disciplines to ensure continuity through all stages of systems development including system level architecture, functional allocation, major interface definition, feasibility, and trade studies.
•Decomposing high-level business and user requirements into functional requirements
•Managing multiple aspects of DOORS 9.3
•Collaborating with technical team in an effort to execute specification
•Managing requirements traceability information and track requirements status throughout the project.
•Managing changes to baseline requirements through effective application of change control processes and tools.
•Working with the project manager and project sponsor to document the product’s vision and the project’s scope.
•Eliciting product requirements using a number of communication techniques
•Decomposing high-level business and user requirements into functional requirements and quality, specified in an appropriate level of detail suitable for use by those whose work is based on those requirements.
•Capturing and translating the full range of performance and technical requirements and specifications into clear, concise, and unambiguous terms that can be readily used by appropriate engineering teams.
•Managing multiple aspects of DOORS
•Collaborating with technical team in an effort to execute specification
•Managing requirements traceability information and track requirements status throughout the project.
•Managing changes to baseline requirements through effective application of change control processes and tools.
Accomplishments – Successfully integrating Frequency Time Standard cabinet interface for UEWR project that involved: COTS hardware component integration utilized for the timing synchronization of Data Processing Equipment and REX systems.
•Supporting hardware-engineering team on Upgrade to Early Warning Radar (UEWR) project for National Missile Defense program.
•Configuring, testing, maintaining and integrating an array of network (NIC, SCCI) data transfer cards as interface link between Receiver Exciter (REX) and Signal Processing Equipment (SPE) along with Cisco switches.
•Developing test requirements, test plans, schedules, procedure developments and test operations including Interface Control Documents (ICDs), Critical Design Reviews (CDRs), etc.
•Designing alternative weight reduction methods for workstations and intercommunications radio system for Black Hawk helicopter prototype a Six Sigma A2C2S (Army Airborne Command and Controls System) Weight Reduction program.
Software – Microsoft Visual Studios .NET C/C++, Visual Basic 4.0 to 6.0, Tango, Mat lab, Spice (MicroSimV.8), Orcad Capture/Layout 14,DreamweaverMX/4.0,Macromedia Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Cold Fusion, HTML V5.0, 4.0, Swish, My SQL 5.0/PHP, ADSP 2181/ 21060 assembly language, Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Visio, Excel, PowerPoint)
Hardware – ADSP 2181/ 21060, Cisco 2900 Series Switches, Datum GPS, Terminal Server, Time Server Applications – Microsoft Windows 95-00/NT/XP, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Telelogic DOORS ( up to version 9.3), SharePoint,TestTrack [Operating Systems Knowledge]: HP UNIX, MAC OS, Windows, SolarisV.2.6, Cisco OS, VAX
Callaway Court, Suite A, Davenport Florida 33837
5 Omotayo Street Lagos Ikorodu
USA +1 412 863 8653
Africa +234 705 974 1475
Africa sales +234 802 874 7521